QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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Thanks again so much for your extremely prompt and excellent customer service. A great pleasure in today's day and age.

Neil Henke, Three Sisters Labradors

Definitely 5 Star Rating. We received excellent support service when reinstating a website for our organization. Very responsive. Highly recommended!!

Elaine Vaughan, Himalayan Fair

Thanks for all your professionalism and support. I am glad that my company, and our Land Rover Club, are associated with QTH.com!

Neil Buchelt, Advanced Imaging, Inc.,

I appreciate your prompt attention and replies more than I can express. We feel very secure having our sites and domains hosted with you. It is quite a change from our previous web host, iPowerWeb. In fact, I never knew it could be this good!

Hal Hunter, Cheap QSLs

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

Outstanding customer service and expert knowledge has been invaluable for our business -- consistently goes above and beyond our highest expectations!

James Edwards, A2Z Social Design

I just wanted to say that I am impressed with the web hosting. The reason I took up a hosting package, apart from the price, is that you always reply quickly to queries with no fuss and no nonsense. Well done!

Michael Todd, A.R. Companion

I've been using QTH.com for over 8 years now and have never had a single problem -- absolutely responsive and reliable. Domain purchasing is cheap and simple, DNS setup is very easy, and web & email hosting comes with more features than most will ever need.

Chris Haas

Thanks for being the greatest webguy this side of Pluto!

Gart Westerhout, Osugi Musical Theatre

QTH.com has been an amazing web host! Their expertise and support gave me the confidence to do my own website. I couldn't have done it without them. THANK YOU!

Sandy B.

Your SiteBuilder allowed me to do more in 15 minutes than what I accomplished in an entire day using GoDaddy's web site builder. Thank you for your great service and support!!

John Whitt, AI4FR