Free SSL Certificates is pleased to offer FREE "Let's Encrypt" SSL Certificates and HTTPS Hosting Service for ALL of our web hosting customers. This includes every Add-on Domain, Parked / Alias Domain and even Sub-Domains!  SSL certificates are installed and renewed automatically -- in most situations, you do not need to do anything but make sure your site is programmed to use https instead of http.  We will even create a certificate for mail, so you can enable SSL/TLS in your email program for your domain, and it will work there, as well.  As of January 2019, we will even create a special file (.htaccess) that will redirect all non-secure content to the secured version of your site, automatically, when hosting is ordered.

Use SSL or Google will mark your site as NOT SECURE!

Did you know that the Google Chrome web browser marks every non-https website as "Not Secure", as of July 2018 -- even if the site does not collect confidential data?  Here is how it looks for all non-SSL pages:

Chrome not Secure

So, now is the time to configure your website to use https -- and it won't cost you anything, with our free SSL certificates for hosting customers!

Here are some common questions about our free SSL service. If your question is not answered, contact us!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is it really free?
  2. Do I really need an SSL Certificate for my site?
  3. How can I tell if my website is already using SSL / HTTPS?
  4. Is there a way for me to see which of my domains and subdomains have SSL certificates installed?
  5. How do I change my site so it uses SSL / HTTPS?
  6. I just added a new domain to cPanel, but there no SSL certificate is installed. How can this be fixed?
  7. When I view my website with https, I do not get a secure lock or it shows that some items are not secure. How can I fix this?
  8. I am paying for an SSL Certificate and Dedicated IP Address now -- can this charge be removed?
  9. I can't figure out how to get my website to start using SSL. Can you help?

1: Is it really free?
A: Yes. As long as you are paying for web hosting service with, every domain and subdomain you host with us will receive a free SSL certificate, installed and renewed automatically!  Most web hosting providers are charging money to add SSL security to the sites they host. Thanks to the efforts of third parties such as Let's Encrypt and cPanel, we are able to offer this service to our customers at no cost. Thank you for being our customer!

2: Do I really need an SSL Certificate for my site?
A: If your site has any password fields, or accepts any sensitive data, then absolutely yes! If your site does NOT handle sensitive data, then it becomes a personal preference. Like it or not, some web browsers will start to mark your site as "Not Secure" and might concern some visitors to your site. Google has also said they are ranking sites that use SSL higher than those sites that do not. If you don't care about these issues, then you are free to leave things as is!

3: How can I tell if my website is already using SSL / HTTPS?
A: Each web browser shows secure and non-secure websites differently, but as a general rule, if your site is using SSL, the web address will start with https:// and there will be a "Green Lock" somewhere.  For an example, see the graphic towards the top of this page, where it shows "Sites not using HTTPS" and "Sites properly using HTTPS" -- this will give you an idea of what secure and non-secure sites look like.

4: Is there a way for me to see which of my domains and subdomains have SSL certificates installed?
A: Yes. Log into your cPanel control panel, and click "SSL/TLS Status". It will show the status of SSL for all your domains and subdomains. You can use this tool to enable and disable the creation of SSL certificates, too, for each of your domains and subdomains. IMPORTANT: Just because there is an SSL certificate installed, it does not mean that your website is programmed to use SSL.  See #3 above, and #5 below.

5: How do I change my site so it uses SSL / HTTPS?
A: It depends. Some websites need configuration file changes. Some need .htaccess file changes. Some will need database changes. Some will need a ton of links throughout their site modified. And, yes, some sites will need ALL these things. If you use software like WordPress or other popular CMS you may get the answer you need by doing some Google searches. You may want to consult a web developer.  A small number of sites can take advantage of a new feature in cPanel that forces HTTPS Redirects, just by flipping a switch. Here is a VIDEO that explains it.
If you still need help with getting your site to use SSL / HTTPS, offers a service for most websites, where we will do the work to force your site to use https/SSL for a flat-fee of $20 per website. You can order that service HERE.  

6: I just added a new domain to cPanel, but there no SSL certificate is installed. How can this be fixed?
A: We install and renew SSL certificates once per day. If you need to get SSL added sooner than that, log into cPanel, and click "SSL/TLS Status" and then click AutoSSL.

7: When I view my website with https, I do not get a secure lock or it shows that some items are not secure. How can I fix this?
A: First, be sure that an SSL certificate is installed for your domain.  Log into your cPanel control panel, and click "SSL/TLS Status". It will show the status of SSL for all your domains and subdomains.  If it shows that SSL is installed, but you still get errors, try using the site to check for SSL errors and to find the source of these errors on your site. 

8: I am paying for an SSL Certificate and Dedicated IP Address now -- can this charge be removed?
A: The charge for the SSL certificate can probably be removed, unless the SSL certificate is a specialized one (such as a wildcard, green bar, etc. certificate). The charge for the Dedicated IP can be removed if you no longer need it, but this will involve migrating your site to the normal shared IP. For both of these issues, it would be best to contact Support so we can research and discuss a plan.

9: I can't figure out how to get my website to start using SSL.  Can you help?
A: Yes. For most websites, we can do the work to force your site to use https/SSL for a flat-fee of $20 per website. You can order that service HERE.

If you have further questions about using SSL with your website that you host with, please contact Support.

  • SSL, SSL Certificates, HTTPS, Secure
  • 38 Users Found This Useful
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