SiteBuilder Contact Form does not work

NOTE: The developer of the SiteBuilder has discontinued all development. Thus, there will be no further support or enhancements. We STRONGLY encourage you to switch to a different web development platform, such as WordPress, which can easily be installed via our cPanel control panel. Please Contact Us if you need help or advice with installing and switching to a new system.

If someone fills out your Contact Form, but you do not get the e-mail, it may be due to this problem:

By default, SiteBuilder contact form data is sent to (replace with your actual domain name)

If you haven't set up this address in your cPanel, then the form data isn't going to get to you.

There are two ways to fix this:
    1. Log into your cPanel and create an E-mail Forwarder for, and have it forwarded to your real e-mail address. If you don't know how to log into your cPanel, contact us to have the instructions resent to you.
  1. In SiteBuilder, edit the form to use a different e-mail address, other than the default of To change the e-mail address that form data is sent to:
    • Log into SiteBuilder.
    • Go to the Edit Text tab.
    • Click into any of your form fields.
    • Click the Form button (see Figure 1 below)
    • Enter in the new e-mail address (see Figure 2 below).
    • Click "Modify Form Field" to save the change.
Figure 1:

Figure 2:

If you are still having difficulty with your SiteBuilder forms, please contact Support

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